Bluff City Dockhoppers

Bluff City Dockhoppers

Mitglied seit: 2024

4274 Pilot Dr. | TN 38118 Memphis | USA |


Service für


Our mission at Bluff City Dockhoppers is to provide the highest quality of service while achieving nothing less than 100% customer satisfaction. We strive to build long-term customer relationships based on mutual respect; as well as pursue new growth opportunities. Our goal is to maximize our clients’ profitability in logistics, material handling, and distribution center operations by providing a unique blend of expertise, proven products, and service. We strive to set new standards in everything we do by harnessing the knowledge, experience, and dedication of our employees to deliver unparalleled solutions exceeding expectations of our customers.

Stellen: 0

Gabelstapler: 0 Geräte

Anbaugeräte: 0 Geräte

Arbeitsbühnen: 0 Geräte

Reinigungstechnik: 0 Geräte

Batterien: 0 Geräte

Ladegeräte: 0 Geräte

Hubmasten: Geräte

Ersatzteile: Geräte